Se state leggendo il mio blog non c’è dubbio che siate un winelover ed in quanto tali avrete certamente sentito parlare di Winerist, una community digitale con sede nel Regno Unito dedicata alle migliori esperienze di viaggio per gli appassionati di enogastronomia, in tutto il mondo. Nell’universo dei social media marketer e PR digitali che si focalizzano sul wine & food ci conosciamo quasi tutti per nome, pochi di persona, e tra quelli che ancora non ho mai incontrato i ragazzi di Winerist sono i wine influencers che mi incuriosivano di più. Ecco perché ho chiesto a Diana, Helena e Adrian di scambiare quattro chiacchiere per farveli conoscere.
Buona lettura!

Can you tell our readers about yourself and your wine magazine?
Our blog was originally set up to support Winerist core business of wine tourism, to give our customers and future customers useful and entertaining knowledge about wine regions and food and drinks in general. We have our own small in-house team creating the content and also invite experienced writers and drinks professionals to write guest posts and share their wisdom and experiences. The blog has proved to be so popular, that we are currently turning it onto an official online magazine, which will launch later this month!
What inspired you to start your career in wine?
The fact that wine encompasses all the bits of life that really matter: nature, history, geography, anthropology, art, science… but most importantly, passionate people and conviviality. What other subject offers all of that?
What would you say that is the greatest satisfaction of being a wine communicator?
For us, it’s when people get in touch or come up to us after tastings as say ‘I’ve always wanted to understand that and because of the way you’ve described, it, I finally do!’. That – and when we eventually win a wine ‘oscar’ for communication (Louis Roederer Awards) 🙂
How do you want to improve yourself in the next year? Any specific goal?
Absolutely! The next 12 months are about taking Winerist to the next level. Right now, we have a great wine tourism business and a very successful blog. By this time next year, we will have a brand new website, will be running a successful online magazine and will have started to host tasting events and trips around the world. Oh, and will have won a Louis Roederer award for wine communication!
In the future where do you hope your blog will take you?
As the blog moves to a magazine format, it will bring with it more videos and podcasts. The natural next step is a TV series where the magazine acts as its media partner, sharing extra content. In fact, we already have one series in the pipeline, shooting this summer!
Describe the most significant piece of writing you had to complete.
There are two types of feature that have proved to be quite significant recently: The first was a very in-depth piece written for us about the 2017 En Primeur campaign with lots of detail about each producer. The second was a post asking the question ‘Does wine make you horny?‘. I’m not sure which was more popular but they both did very well for us!
What do you feel is the most important skill a wine blogger should possess?
Tenacity to not give up; drive to put out regular content and a keen eye for what makes a good, clickable title.
What’s your favourite wine?
That’s a bit like asking about a favourite child! However, lots of us here would, when pushed, go for an amazing red wine from Tuscany. One of us *may* even have named their two children after famous Tuscan red wines…
Diana Isac – CEO and Founder
Helena Nicklin – Head of Content
Adrian Smith – Head of Brand Partnerships